LGC – AXIO Proficiency Testing offers proficiency testing schemes with localised support across a truly global network to over 13,000 laboratories in more than 160 countries, conducting over 2,000 proficiency tests each year. Proficiency Testing (PT) is a requirement for accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO 15189 and LGC operate PT schemes across the food, beverage, environmental, clinical, pharmaceutical, consumer safety, forensic and petroleum sectors. AXIO is part of LGC ASSURE, that brings four global brands ( AXIO, BRCGSm INFORMED, SAFEFOOD 360) together to deliver a connected series of supply chain assurance solutions across critical touchpoints, with a focus on the manufacturing, laboratory, ingredients and nutritional supplements sectors.
- Beverage Schemes
- Clinical Schemes
- Consumer Safety Schemes
- Food and Feed Schemes
- Forensics Schemes
- Petroleum Schemes
- Water and Environment Schemes